The book Concentration, Diversity of Voices and Competition in the Media Market addresses one of the most important issues in democratic societies: knowledgeable citizens with access to diverse opinions and perspectives are less manipulable and can become also actors of the a clear and rigorous way the concentration of media: scans correctly the legal framework and strategies of the leading business groups; and provides relevant indicators to detect and read the abuses of dominant positions in the European communications market.”
Alfonso Sánchez-Tabernero
Rector de la Universidad de Navarra
“Concentration, Diversity of Voices and Competition in Media Market provides the latest Faustino and colleagues’ study combines case studies and other methods to produce a volume that is a welcome addition to the literature in media management and economics.”
Dr. Alan B. Albarran
The University of North Texas
“In the midst of global media disruption, the steady pace of ownership concentration is that and a fascinating portrait of who owns what not as a static portrait, but as a dynamic guide for understanding.”
Everette E. Dennis
Author, media analyst and Dean/CEO
Northwestern University in Qatar
“Understanding media structures is crucial to decisions about policy involving democratic and cultural needs of countries. It is also important for understanding how developments in media technology are changing the media environment and the ownership and control approaches to the issues of media structure and media pluralism, adding new knowledge and perspectives to the debate.”
Robert G. Picard
Reuters Institute
University of Oxford