My Europe – From Integration to Intelligence

Author: Francisco Jaime Quesado
Release date: 2018
Pages: 66
ISBN: 978-989-729-200-2

8,00  IVA incl.

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From Integration to Intelligence is the synthesis of my weekly collaborations in NEW EUROPE, a well known paper published in Brussels – When writing to this independent newspaper about Innovation and Competitiveness, I have been giving my opinion, as a citizen and professional, of my vision for Europe as a collective project that is based on the individual ideas and contributions of all those that have confidence in the future.  NOVA COMPETITIVIDADE, the name of my weekly column in NEW EUROPE, is my confidence message in an effective contract between public and private actors in the global agenda for more shared value in the creation and transaction of economic goods and services.

I believe in Europe. I believe in a dream, that more than a project is a reality of people that want to construct a better future for a society that must be open to new ideas and solutions for the problems of the present. I believe in the capacity of the citizens and institutions of this secular continent being again able to put in place an agenda of intelligent modernity shared by all the society in a positive way. This is the Europe about which I have been on a weekly basis writing in a paper that defends a strategy of innovation and creativity for the most consolidated space of the world.  A Europe of Trust, where the individual and the collective embrace the same agenda of modernity.