This book’s content is essential for advertising experts who want to accelerate their professional growth and become managers in different departments, such as creativity, research, accounts, or media planning . Besides, this content benefits experts who leave their companies (advertising agencies, corporate communication departments, marketing departments, etc .) and decide to launch their advertising agency . Experts in advertising develop creative ideas to fix business problems . However, they must also control their companies’ business: read business plans, interact with lawyers, attend meetings with shareholders, negotiate contracts, lead mergers and acquisitions, etc .
We hope this book will help experts in advertising to become enthusiastic about this beautiful profession . If they reinforce their skills in business and management, they will grow from a professional perspective, which is essential for advertising agencies’ viability . However, these experts must never forget that every management decision they take should always be consistent with the social legacy of genius who started this profession, such as Edward Bernays, Bill Bernbach, David Ogilvy, Alex Osborn, or Marcel Bleustein-Blanchet .